Peace Like Never Before


Matt* started coming to Campus Life towards the end of the school year when a friend invited him to check it out. He hasn’t always been easily accepted and befriended, but he found a place to belong at Campus Life and quickly fell in love with the community. Matt decided to attend YFC Camp this summer. Coming into camp, Matt would talk about things like ghosts, his house being haunted, and other spiritually dark things. While at camp, he heard and experienced the love and truth of Jesus. Matt's walls started coming down throughout the week and he became curious about who Jesus is and how to have a relationship with Him. Matt proclaimed at the end of camp that he had found a peace that he had never felt before in his life. 

Matt found peace, hope, and new life through his encounter with Jesus at YFC Camp. We celebrate Matt's decision to say "yes" to Jesus and we’re excited that through our Campus Life ministry we get to continue this journey with him. 

-Sara Burgett, Campus Life Director

*Name has been changed.