God Is At Work


Middle school can be a tough and confusing time for students. They are trying to find their identity while hormones, friends, and social pressures are pulling them in every direction. Campus Life is so critical for students at this time because they are given the opportunity to talk openly about their struggles while loving adults pour into them with listening ears and helpful advice. Even though keeping the attention of 20 middle school students on a Monday night can be tough, it is more than worth it to see them grow and respond to the Gospel.

After re-launching the Valparaiso Middle School Campus Life Club this past September, we have seen God open doors and open hearts of students. Benjamin Franklin middle school has given us the opportunity to come into the lunchroom to talk to students and build relationships in the school. We thank God for this amazing opportunity to build a relationship with the school and for the many students that have been getting involved in Campus Life because of our lunch visits. We have also had numerous parents share that their student feels more loved and accepted at Campus Life then they do anywhere else. Many of these students are not very social at school or events, but they dive right in and feel safe to open up with others at Campus Life.

We are so excited to see how God continues to grow our ministry site each week. We launched the Valparaiso Middle School club with no students or leaders, but over the semester we have had over 35 students through our doors. We consistently see 20+ students attending each week and we praise God for our 8 faithful volunteers who pour into these students on a weekly basis. It has been amazing to see God work over the past few months and we wait in expectation for what He will do in the Valparaiso middle schools this year.

Noah Smith - Campus Life Director