Coasters, Carousels, and Ice Cream


A day trip to Six Flags may sound like just a fun event, but it is so much more!  It is time to relationally invest in our students.  We get to have intentional time to continue getting to know them and their stories.  

In one day at Six Flags I was able to have intentional conversations with over a dozen students about topics ranging from summer break, family issues, siblings leaving for the military, upcoming YFC trips, and follow up questions from previous trips. Even a day filled with roller coasters, carousels, and ice cream can be such a fruitful time in our mission.  

Summer provides a lot of unique experiences and relational time with our students, and we see this as such a valuable time.  Through these relationships, we share the message of Jesus with the many students in our ministry sites.

- Sara Burgett, Campus Life Director