Finishing Well

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This past week I had the opportunity to bring 11 students from Stevenson High School to my parent’s home in Pine Island, Minnesota. This trip was a great way to end the school year, and for the 9 seniors on the trip, it was a great way to close out their time with Campus Life. The trip was filled with waterskiing, wakeboarding, camping, fishing, and of course a visit to the Mall of America. The activities throughout the week were fun and memorable, but the conversations that took place during the week will hopefully make a lifelong impact on these students.

We had two small groups while on the trip. In the first one, we discussed the importance of finding solid community beyond Campus Life. The students were fully engaged as we talked about what it looks like to get plugged into a Church, seeking out Christian community, finding mentorship, and holding friends to a higher standard.

On the last night of the trip, we had a bonfire out by the lake. That night the students shared stories about how Campus Life and Jesus impacted their lives over the past 4 years. It was amazing to hear how student’s lives have been changed. At the end of the night, I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with these students. This message of love was received well and four students stayed out by the fire to keep talking about the message they heard. I am confident that the students will never forget the memories they made and the truth of the gospel they heard and experienced on this trip.

- Noah Smith, Campus Life Director