The Talking Cross

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At Hanover Central, we have a weekly meeting over the summer we call, "Hot Topics", where we discuss relevant things in our culture and allow students to voice their thoughts and opinions. Like many with group discussions, people kept talking over each other and it was hard to maintain a single thought. Frustrated with the chaotic nature of the conversation, one of the students (Sam*) pulled out a cross from his pocket and said, "Here! This will be the Talking Cross. If you are holding this, you are the one who can speak." To give you perspective, Sam claims to be an atheist, so the fact that he would have a cross on him really caught my attention.

At the end of the night, Sam was the only student left, so I took advantage of the time we had. I began to ask him, "What does that cross in your pocket mean to you?" He went on to explain the journey he has been on since he first came to Campus Life two years ago. Just as his ride was arriving he ended the conversation by saying, "I believe God loves me. I believe He cares for me, but I am just not ready to completely surrender my life to Him yet." Two years ago Sam began a journey he never imagined he would be on. Please join me in praying that Sam would come to a place of complete surrender to Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. 

- Jeremy Melf, Campus Life Director

*Name has been changed.