JJM seeks to engage young people in relational outreach as they are met in a variety of youth-serving institutions (detention centers, probation, correctional facilities, group homes, residential treatment centers and emergency shelters). Even though our first contact is in a variety of institutions, we are committed to long-term relationships that last after the teen has left the facility. Our focus is balanced ministry that emphasizes the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional aspects of life.

Currently JJM serves 6 ministry sites with the potential of reaching 1,000 kids on a weekly basis. Our broad base of kids ranges from metropolitan Chicago to the greater Chicago area and Northwest Indiana.
Cook County Juvenile Detention Center
Average Population: 110
Ministries: Bible Studies, Visitation and Mentoring
Nights: Monday-Thursday afternoons, varies
Partnerships: Good News Jail and Prison Ministries
Contact: Derek Polansky
Illinois Youth Center Warrenville
Average Population: 25 Co-ed
Ministries: Bible Studies, mentoring, art and sports ministries, game nights
Nights: Tuesdays & Thursdays, days/times for mentoring vary
Partnership: Wheaton College
Contact: Anna Campbell
Wilderness Trips
Summers & Retreats
Available to JJM and City Life students at low or no cost
Partnerships: Created for More Ministries, Expeditions Unlimited
Contact: Derek Polansky
Lake County Juvenile Detention Center (indiana)
Average Population: 45
Ministries: Bible Studies, Arts and Sports Ministries
Nights: Thursdays
Partnerships: Momentum Church, Faith Church
Contact: Jeremy Melf
Will County Detention Center
Average Population: 631
Ministries: Bible Studies, 1-on-1 Chaplain visits, Grief Counseling
Days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 8-11 am
Contact: Derek Polansky

With the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to go and reach the lost in their world. Jesus also speaks in Matthew about ministry to “the least of these” and we believe that the youth involved in systems are part of that focus. We know that the Father will equip those He calls to this ministry, and believe that He calls all types of people to this ministry. There are a variety of ways to partner with JJM.
Do you have a passion for un-churched youth? To learn how you can volunteer with JJM, contact the site director of the site you are interested in (listed above).
Your financial gifts keep the mission moving forward, and are fully tax-deductible. You can give online here.