Wake Up Call

Last year at this time Damion* was a Junior in high school, and he had been with Campus Life for 2 years. Damion was a professing atheist who believed in science and said that there could not be a god.  

Fast forward 3 months and he went on our summer camp trip to Missouri.  On this trip on the third night we had Solo Time where each student sat outside under the stars in the quiet night for 30 minutes.  During this time Damion asked for a sign from God to see if he was real, and sure enough, he saw a shooting star in that instant.  From this point on he had a glow to him as he shared his shooting star story and how it helped him realize there is a God out there.  This moment did not cause him to give his life to Jesus, but it did get his wheels turning about believing in God and trying to think about Him more. 

Fast forward 8 months to this past Florida trip.  Damion is a senior who is coming to spring break for his third year.  During the beginning of the week he got into a little bit of trouble, which could have resulted in him being sent home early.  This was a huge wake up call for him because he was really looking forward to the week.  

On the third night of the trip the Gospel was presented and then each student went to the beach for 30 minutes of solo time.  This was something that he had participated in 4 times throughout his years in Campus Life, but there was something different for him this night on the beach.  Damion realized that He wanted and needed Jesus in his life, and it was at that moment on the beach in Panama City that his life was changed forever and he gave his life to Christ.

- by Noah Smith, Campus Life Director

* name has been changed 

Youth For Christ